17.05.2019 Pedal for the Wadden Sea: Transboundary bike tour in June celebrates 10th anniversary of World Heritage designation “One Wadden Sea. Two wheels. Three countries.” is the slogan of a unique bike tour that will take place from 18 to 30 June 2019 in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination. Read more
10.05.2019 Wadden Sea still weak link in international Flyway A new analysis of the large scale bird count in 33 countries along the East Atlantic Flyway indicates that a large number of bird species using the Wadden Sea are not doing well. Read more
30.06.2019 Wadden Sea World Heritage Experience Festival Südstrandpromenade & UNESCO-Wattenmeer Weltnaturerbe Besucherzentrum Wilhelmshaven, Germany Read more
12.04.2019 Experts highlight the situation of harbour porpoises in the Wadden Sea Only native whales in the Wadden Sea - the focus of an international symposium held on 11 April 2019 was on harbour porpoises and their role in this tidal ecosystem. Read more
05.03.2019 Wadden Sea at ITB 2019: Linking sustainable growth and nature conservation In the framework of the Interreg project „Prowad Link“ the Wadden Sea World Heritage site presents itself at the ITB, in Berlin. Read more
06.02.2019 International Prowad Link project on use of nature brands launched On 4 and 5 February over 50 stakeholders from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom took part in the first PROWAD LINK Forum. Read more
30.11.2018 Prowad Link giver nye bæredygtige vinkler på turisme Den 27. til 28. november mødes Prowad Link-partnerne i Esbjerg for at finde nye vinkler på en mere bæredygtig turisme og lægge planer for det fremtidige arbejde med projektet. Read more
16.11.2018 World Heritage marine site managers gather for workshop on Norderney to focus on marine litter What are the impacts of marine litter on UNESCO World Heritage marine sites and what countermeasures can be taken to address the issue? To answer these questions, World Heritage marine managers and marine litter experts from 11 different nations joined forces. Read more
01.11.2018 Wadden Sea harbour seals bear more pups than ever The Trilateral Seal Expert Group (TSEG) published report “Aerial surveys of Harbour Seals in the Wadden Sea in 2018”. Read more