Collection of online lectures published within TriWadWalk project

Exploring the Wadden Sea Region in an integrative and problem-oriented way was the objective of the TriWadWalk project, which brought together a group of academy staff and students from Denmark, Germany, and the Netherland. In May and September 2022, the group travelled for two weeks on foot, bike and sailing boat along and across the national borders. Along the way, they met and interacted with a wide range of stakeholders active in different sectors, including agriculture, coastal protection, transport and tourism. The aim was to gain a better, cross-disciplinary understanding of the potentials and challenges of the Wadden Sea Region. With the material and experience collected during the two weeks, a group of scholars now developed a collection of online lectures that will support and complement university courses and field excursions.
The project was supported in the framework of the Partnership Hub, among others.