Dark sky on Mandø in focus of recent co-creation workshop

Far away from the disturbing light of big cities, the Danish island of Mandø has an immensely starry night you can take a "star bath" in. To share the dark sky experience with visitors, the Danish Wadden Sea National Park (Nationalpark Vadehavet) held a workshop on 10 November in the framework of Interreg project Prowad Link.
At the workshop, new possibilities for sustainable experiences of Dark Sky were discussed. The next step will be to train guides and plan the first activities and pop-up events in weeks 7 and 8 of 2021. You may be invited to get out and experience the darkness, maybe even take a star bath and also learn about the Wadden Sea World Heritage site.Esbjerg Municipality is taking the lead on an application for the designation of Mandø for IDA Dark Sky Park in cooperation with Mandø Fællesråd and Nationalpark Vadehavet.
The Interreg VB project Prowad Link aims to unlock the potential of natural areas as a driver for jobs and sustainable development. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are approached to develop nature as a brand to create benefits for both, SMEs and the environment. 14 project partners in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom working with interested SMEs will use the “nature-business-benefit-cycle” concept to develop new, sustainable products and offers in the pilot regions of the Wadden Sea (DK, D, NL), Geiranger Fjord (NO), Wash & North Norfolk Coast (UK). The 3-year project is co-funded by and carried out in the framework of the Interreg North Sea Region Programme under the Programme Priority 1 “Thinking Growth”. The programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.