Experts discuss how to stop biodiversity loss at international marine conservation conference PMC

Just over 200 participants joined the international marine conservation conference "Progress in Marine Conservation" (PMC) themed "how to stop biodiversity loss - from knowledge to action" in September 2023 in Stralsund, Germany. In over 50 presentations and 8 workshops, they discussed how to tackle the marine biodiversity crisis. The Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS), representing the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation, actively participated in the event.
Soledad Luna, CWSS Programme Officer for Wadden Sea World Heritage delivered the introductory talk for the workshop on Management of Marine Protected Areas and presented the management framework for the Wadden Sea. Julia Busch, CWSS Programme Officer for Climate Change, Ecosystem Management, Swimway, presented the Wadden Sea Swimway Initiative and its 2022 project "Systematic review for historical reconstruction of the Wadden Sea fish assemblage – Swimway historical reference" (SHIRE).
At the five-day conference, the participants developed concrete recommendations - action points - that can also be implemented within the Federal Government's Marine Strategy in order to achieve the European Union's goals in the oceans. The event was organised by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in cooperation with the OZEANEUM.