Young Wadden Sea enthusiasts strengthen their network on Schiermonnikoog

Over 40 participants joined the Wadden Youth Weekend which took place on Schiermonnikoog from 9 to 12 of May 2024. The weekend provided a platform for engaged youngsters to connect, exchange ideas about common interests and share their concerns as well as to start to shape a Wadden Youth Network.
On Friday, the programme centred on exploring the participants values and their connection to the Wadden Sea. They engaged with a diverse array of inspiring stakeholders, ranging from educators and biologists to rescue rangers. In the afternoon, the focus shifted to how each person values the Wadden Sea area and how we are enriched by each other's experience.
On Saturday, the group dived into the network structure and objectives. Invited speakers from European Young Rewilders, The Youth Advisory Board of the Italian Julian Alps shared their experiences and lessons learned with the participants. This was expanded by short pitches from other existing networks such as WattN, The UNESCO Youth Forum, the Europarc Youth Advisory Board and the Flyway Youth Ambassadors Programme. The group moved on to discussing how the Wadden Sea Youth Network should be structured, as well as possible activities, the support needed and strategies for engaging more young people in conservation efforts.
On the last day, we agreed to have a follow-up meeting online soon to further to discuss the event results and the next steps.